Thursday, June 23, 2011

Body After Baby

First of all, thanks to everyone that's ever said to me in the past seven weeks, "You look great!  You don't even look like you've had a baby!"  It's the nicest thing that can be said to a new mom.  (Okay, maybe "He's beautiful!" is the nicest thing that can be said.)  The point is this: Regardless if the woman really looks great or not, it's a wonderful thing to hear.

I've got to admit that shedding thirty pounds in 2 weeks is an amazing feeling.  What's tough is getting the last 10 pounds of baby weight to go.  Weston is gaining weight faster than I can lose it.  It's like a race.  By the way, he's unofficially at 12 pounds and 9 ounces and over 24 inches long.

He's not really this huge--I think it's the camera angle
Anyway, I was very diligent about going on walks for the first 5 weeks with baby.  We walked about 20-30 minutes almost every day.  Now, I've graduated to the Couch to 5K running program.  I picked this under the advice from my sister, who's an avid runner.  So far, I like it.  It's no more than 3 days of running a week, and each session takes about 25 minutes.  It's very gradual, too.  I used to run quite a bit back in the day, but never ran during pregnancy.  I tried; it just felt weird and uncomfortable.  Now things feel *almost* normal.  However, let's just say that breastfeeding puts a whole new meaning on the word "support."  If I keep at this, in two months I should be ready for a 5K and perhaps a bit closer to my pre-baby weight.
The exhausted family 

1 comment:

  1. 1. You look great.
    2. Good job on running, way to go!
    3. Don't even think about ending this blog, or the cyberstalker will have to find other methods of stalking.
    4. Weston is huge- he looks 3 feet tall in that picture. Check his pituitary.
