Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Cutie Patootie

The littlest bookworm

Dad, where's Mom??  Isn't she home yet???

Loving the outdoors


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bath Time

The past couple of nights our little man has resorted to grunting while taking a bath. This video barely captures how ridiculous he sounds.

 I love this kid.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Schedule? Yeah, Right.

I love reading stuff like this: "By four months, your baby is probably sleeping eight hours at night" or "Try to put your baby down around the same time every night" or "Keep nap times consistent."

I would love to experience all of that.  It'd be great if Weston would decide to wake up at 3am every night, nurse, and go back to sleep until 7am, play, take a 2-hour nap at 9am, get up at 11:30, eat, play and then nap again around 1pm for a couple of hours and then wake up in time for me to nurse him at 3:30 when I get home from work, take a quick cat nap before bath, eating and bedtime at 7pm.

But that never, ever happens.  Ever.

I can't figure out what bedtime works best for him--early (like around 6:30), or later, around 8pm.  A lot of it depends on what time he wakes up from his afternoon nap.  And he's never really consistent on how long he sleeps at night, either.  Last night he was up at 10pm, 1:30am and 5am.  The night before that he was up once at 1:30am.  I don't get it.  Today, he refused to nap until 10am, and then slept until 1pm.  He took a 30 minute nap at 5pm and was in bed by 7pm.

We try--really we do--to have a schedule.  Sometimes he just doesn't want to cooperate.

Ready for a walk in the Moby Wrap

Post-walk sleepy times

Wow.  None of the fabric in this picture matches.  But, baby doesn't care!

Yum, yum ,yum ,yum, yum

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Four Months!

I'd have official stats for you, but baby hasn't been for his four-month check up since we've moved.  Insurance at the new job doesn't kick in until next month, so we might have to visit the health department and get his second round of immunizations there.  Anyway, until I can get an official height and weight, Weston is 16 pounds, 14 ounces!  Holy crap.  It's still close to the 75% percentile curve that he's been following.  I have given up trying to measure his height because it's different every time.

Look at those thighs...
Weston's adjusting well to all the changes that have been going on.  Nate's done with a week of being a stay-at-home dad/ start-up business dude/ and unpacker of the apartment.  He generally looks exhausted and relieved at the same time when I get home from work.
I haven't worn my contacts in months

Baby has been sleeping pretty well at night, going to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 and sleeping for about 8 hours.  He's been getting up at 6am (and sometimes earlier!) and I have a pretty good feeling he doesn't really care what a weekend means to an adult.  That's fine. Having gone back to work, I relish every single moment I get to spend with him.  I love coming home from work and nursing him and then putting him down for a late afternoon snooze.  I even enjoy getting up at 3am to feed and cuddle with him.  He's super cute in the morning because he babbles and babbles and is super content.  I put him in his seat on the kitchen floor and he hangs out while I cook and eat my breakfast.

So close to sitting up all by himself 
Learning to pet Mabel gently and not grab at her fur
I'm not sure how I'm going to break his swaddle habit.  I feel like I should start on a Thursday night because it might be a little rough in the night sleeping department.  I think going cold turkey might be the best route, but who knows.  I bought the Miracle Blanket on a recommendation from another blogger mom (thanks, Melissa!) when Weston was almost 3 months old.  I cannot believe I waited that long to get one because they are the absolute best.  Weston was busting out of his swaddles regularly (and I am a damn good swaddler) at that point and I needed something that was akin to a straight jacket.  And the Miracle Blanket is just that--a warm and fuzzy baby straight jacket.  However, Weston is regularly busting out of that these days, so I think it's a good sign he's ready to be free.