Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Seven Weeks

Keeping up with the blog gets harder and harder!  There's a lot going on right now--we're getting ready to move this weekend and packing up with a baby around is pretty difficult.  Every time he goes down for a nap, I try to pack as much as I can.  I'm not sure if I'm going to continue the blog after we move...  There's nothing like a bad blogger. Besides, we'll no longer be in West Allis and I can't change the domain name of this blog.

One of my friends has three boys, the youngest of which is just over 2 years old.  She let me come over and take all 15 boxes of clothes for Weston!  He's set for the next couple years as far as clothes go.  It took us about two days to sort through everything and put the clothes in bags according to size, but I'm glad that we did it.
Note baby on top of the clothes pile
He's been smiling a ton lately.  I am anxiously awaiting his first laugh.  I'm also looking forward to another full night of sleep.  That last post about sleeping through the night was a total fluke.  He hasn't done that again, but that's okay.  He *usually* sleeps about 5 hours when he goes to bed.  Why are babies so unpredictable?  I still swaddle him when he goes to sleep, and I'm hoping for the best.

So true

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