Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Date Nights, continued

"Your life will completely change after having a baby."  I would say on some level, that's totally true.  It also doesn't change in a lot of ways.  For one, Nate and I still love going out to see a movie--we just have to be creative about how to make it happen.  My mom was in town last week (or was it two weeks ago?), so we hit her up BIG time babysit.  I think we went on three dates in the week that she was here.  We had to pick an early movie time or else I would have fallen asleep.  I also put Weston to bed a bit earlier those nights that we went out so that I didn't have to pump.

**As an aside, I love the fact that I'm still able to breastfeed Weston while I work full-time.  But, there is nothing more relieving than hanging up the breast pump bag Friday when I get home from work.  Needless to say, I loathe pumping on the weekends or anytime when I'm not at work, so I avoid it at all costs.**

I would love to be able to find a way to do date night every Saturday night with just Nate, but the reality is that a babysitter costs about $8-10 an hour (!) and having just recently moved to the area, I haven't made an effort to find a babysitter.  So, we've made Thursday afternoons Family Nights.  When I get home from work, the three of us go out somewhere--a coffee shop, for a walk, to a park, out to dinner--and just spend time as a family.  It's a good compromise for right now.


  1. I miss Weston soooooooo much.I wish I could watch him on Saturdays so you and Nate could have a date night!

  2. Yes, Mom! Come back and babysit for us, please!
