Saturday, February 26, 2011

Top Pregnancy Something-or-Others

I'm not sure what this list is exactly, other than some of the unexpected things I've experienced as a direct result of having a bun in the oven.
  1. Peeing during the third trimester is ridiculous.  The urge to go is very immediate as of late, but the outcome is like, "Really?  That's it?"  And then I have to go again in about 15 minutes.
  2. Tying my shoes makes me grateful for slip-ons.  At the gym, I have to take a rest between putting on the sock and then the shoe.  My lungs are getting squished.
  3. "How are you feeling?"  It took me awhile to get used to this question from others because I liken it to a question that would be asked of someone who just got over the flu, or who's currently sick.  I'm never really sure how to answer this, other than to say, "I'm good...just getting big."
  4. People are always looking at my belly.  I do it to other pregnant women, too, but it's just different when I'm the one whose belly is growing.
  5. Waking up at some crazy hour of the night by the foot of my fetus banging out a rhythm on my ribs.
  6. Grunting.  I grunt getting in the car and getting out of the car.  I grunt trying to get out of bed.  I grunt tying my shoes.  I grunt trying to pick something up off the floor that I've dropped.
  7. Two-hour naps.  I am tired!  I don't sleep through the night anymore, and sometimes I'm up for quite some time at 3am.  The best part is that I can still go to bed at 9pm after sleeping from 4-6pm.
  8. I weigh more than my husband.  'Nuff said.

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