Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby Dreams

I've only had one dream that I remember about the baby and that was in the first trimester.  I dreamed it was a baby boy.  I haven't had any other dreams recently about the baby, but I've had a whole slew of bizarre and vivid dreams.

I had an intensely colorful dream about my dad several nights ago, and that's the second dream that I've had about him since he passed away.  There were tornadoes off in the distance, and he was in the lawn in his wheelchair, and I needed to bring him inside.  We talked for a bit, but I don't remember about what.  After the tornadoes had passed, there were clouds close to the ground, and a flock of about twenty snowy owls flew out.  I don't think that owls travel in flocks, but it was pretty impressive.

One website said that during the second trimester, women report an increase in dreams about animals, and another site said that dreaming about animals reminds us to "trust our instincts."  It also mentioned that seeing birds can mean freedom and success.

Regardless of what dreams mean or don't mean, the ones I've had in the past several months have been pretty amazing.

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