Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crying Over Master Chef

My goodness. We were watching the finale of Master Chef last night while we ate dinner, and the producers flew one of the contestant's mom all the way from Israel so she could be there.  My eyes welled up, and a few tears leaked out.  Nate just laughed and said, "Oh honey, you're so cute."

This was tear-worthy.  Master Chef is not.
I can get emotional watching TV--like the 1996 Summer Olympics when Kerri Strug vaulted, hurt her ankle and then vaulted again and stuck the landing.  Or watching the opening sequence of the movie Up.  But Master Chef??  Come on.

1 comment:

  1. Robyn,

    I feel like that sounds completely normal...hormones are always crazy! Not that I can relate because of pregnancy, but a week before my period, I cry over commercials and anything sentimental!

    Congrats! This is such happy news!

