Friday, September 14, 2012

Throwdown with Weston

If I ever invest in another refrigerator, I will absolutely not go without a lock on the water dispenser. Much to my dismay and that of our wooden floors, our fridge doesn't have one, and that little fountain of eternal joy is no longer out of reach for Weston.  His arms and legs have grown just enough recently to take baby-proofing the house to the next level.  There are tables that were once okay to put things on, but we're quickly running out of space to put coffee mugs, the iPad, pens, and the computer mouse.

After I picked Weston up from day care this afternoon, he did his usual routine of pulling all the pots and pans out of the cabinet to play Cooking.  His latest ingredient is water.  From the fridge.  In a sippy cup.  Tippy toes. Make contact with the lever.  Spray water everywhere.  Get some into the cup.  Walk over to the pots.  Dump it into the pot.  Return to fridge.  Tippy toes.  Ad infinitum...

I decided that I didn't want to deal with that today, so I set up an outdoor kitchen for Cooking, complete with a continuous supply of water, and this is what he did for the next thirty minutes:

Don't you love how he tastes his food??  I love watching him do grown up things!  I actually love watching how he imitates Nate.  My hubby does most of the cooking, and we actively let Weston participate in the kitchen as much as we can.

After I was done shooting this video, we had to go inside and eat "real" dinner.

He screamed when I took him away from his kitchen...

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