Saturday, November 13, 2010

Charting the Belly

It's Date Night tonight, and Nate said part of it is that he would take a few belly shots before we head over to Rochambo and play cribbage and (hopefully) eat something sweet.  I keep comparing my belly to other people's pictures that they've posted on the Interweb, and I'm feeling inadequate.  Anyway, here are a couple of pictures:
The architect's idea to have the cutting mat as a way to chart the growth...


It's about 4.5 inches long right now.


  1. Me, too! People are starting to say I look pregnant, but I still feel like it's more of a pot belly than anything else.

    I'm also anxiously waiting for those first movements. I felt one that was like a title wave in my belly at 15 weeks and then nothing since then. I can start to see my belly move oh-so-slightly, but still can't feel it.

  2. Looking great Robyn! Enjoy every minute. I first felt Jackson move around 17 weeks and it would happen at night when I was laying down to go to bed. I think he wanted to wait until all was quiet so I could feel him!
