My dear mother threw a baby shower for us yesterday afternoon at Sheridan's in Cudahy, and I am still overwhelmed at my family's generosity. Everyone who came lives somewhere else besides the Milwaukee area, and many people drove several hours to come and celebrate this little fetus. It was so fun to see the women that are in some way related to Mr. Belvedere.
Our apartment has completely exploded after yesterday's shower:
I cannot wrap my head around how much stuff a baby allegedly needs. I'm sitting next to the car seat and stroller that my mom, sister-in-laws and sister got us, and it's really intimidating! I feel like I have no clue what we're about to get ourselves into, despite the fact that I've spent a decent chunk of my life baby-sitting, working in day care centers, teaching, and being around babies. But it's way scarier when it's my own, and no one's coming here to relieve me of my duties at the end of the day. I feel like I did right before our bike trip last summer--nervous because I didn't really know how it was all going to unfold. I'd never ridden my bike for 60 days straight, nor had I ever been in the wilderness that long. I had an idea of what it might be like, but it's impossible to know what it is that I don't know.
It looks like a daycare center blew up in your bedroom.