Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dropping Mr. Belvedere

No, I'm not talking about not being able to hold on to the baby after it comes (although that sometimes is a fear because I can't seem to hold on to anything lately); I'm referring to that desirable lightening that is supposed to happen sometime soon when the baby "drops."
Come on down!

Almost every woman I talk to looks at my belly and says, "Oh, you haven't dropped yet, so that baby's not coming out any time soon."  That's really not the news I want to hear, but that's the reality, I guess.  Some people said that when it feels like you're sitting on the baby's head, then you know you've dropped.  I'm guessing that I'll have some major relief to the rib pain that I've been experiencing these past few days.  Last night, my ribs ached so bad that I felt like I had been repeatedly kicked like this poor dude:

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