Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Charting the Belly: Week 28 (almost 29)

I just got done watching the first episode of One Born Every Minute and I was...appalled?   Discouraged?  Mildly amused?  I also feel like I know the woman who was having a natural childbirth.  I did go to Ohio State, the show is filmed at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and she and I are the same age.

I'm feeling pretty good so far, other than a few aches here and there.  My left hip is tight, and rolling over in bed is a pretty big ordeal every night around 4am.  I'm hoping to make an appointment for a prenatal massage sometime in the next week.  Valentine's Day is around the corner, Nate...

Bruce Lee and me
Beginning of the third trimester!


  1. Robyn - You finally look pregnant!
    I'm so excited to see you in a few weeks. Take care of my grandchild, please!
    You look radiant.

