Sunday, January 30, 2011

End of the Second Trimester

I had my glucose tolerance test last Tuesday at my appointment, and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to pass it.  I don't know why I had that feeling, but as it turns out, I'm in the clear.  I got a 93, which falls well below the recommended 140 mg/dL.  I picked the fruit punch flavor, mostly because I was told the orange was the nastiest.  It wasn't that bad, except that after about ten minutes, I felt pretty gross, like I had just eaten a half-dozen donuts.  I got a little shaky, and when it was time to draw blood, my hands were super sweaty.  I think the MA thought I was going to pass out as she was drawing my blood.

In two weeks, we start the Bradley Method classes at the Maternity Center up in Menomonee Falls.  It's a 2-1/2 hour class that lasts 8 weeks.  I'm hoping that it will give us some good information about having a natural childbirth (no drugs) and the process of labor and delivery.  In turn, when it comes time to making a birth plan, we'll have more knowledge than what we've got right now.


  1. Woohoo babies! May your birth go splendidly!

  2. I need more baby posts!!! Snap to it!
