Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cleaning vs. Napping

Weston's been asleep for nearly three-and-a-half hours.  And I'm kicking myself right now for not napping myself.  Instead, I chose to clean the house while he napped.  Nate and I did the second floor yesterday, and today was the first floor--dusting, vacuuming, and washing acres and acres of wood floors.  I always have this debate as soon as he goes down for a nap--should I hop in bed, too, and get some much-needed sleep?  Or should I be my very own cleaning lady (because she isn't showing up on my doorstep any time soon)?

I'll be honest; we vacuum the kitchen about 3-4 times a week and the rest of the first floor maybe gets it twice a week.  But washing the floors??  I'm lucky if that happens more than once a month.  Everyday, I just take mental notes; "There's a smashed pea.  That oatmeal is going to cement itself to the floor.  That looks like yogurt."  I feel like Dudley from The Royal Tenenbaums.  "That cab has a dent in it.  Another dent here, and another dent here."

When I put him down this afternoon, I couldn't put off washing the floors any longer.  We finished about an hour ago, and he's still sleeping.  Nate even had time to create this for Weston to destroy as soon as he comes downstairs:

Clean floors waiting to be dirtied...
I've had time to catch up on some work email, write another blog post, and think about how I wish I were sleeping.  I've been running on very little sleep these past few weeks as we still try to figure out what time works for bedtime with his schedule at child care.  He's been waking up between 4:45 and 5:30 am this past week, and it's been pretty brutal.  Last week, I tried putting him to bed earlier, thinking that maybe he was overtired, and last night I started to try staying up later.  That seems to be working because he woke up at 6:10 this morning.  Quite a relief.  Oh yeah, and he's had a cold these past few days.  Did I mention that he's been biting, too?  Bit two kids at day care, and I've lost count of how many times I've been bitten (but I can still see some red marks).  Needless to say, it's been a rough week.

I suppose that lamenting about lost sleep is ridiculous.  Sure, a three-hour nap this afternoon would have been absolutely amazing.  But, the house is clean.  And there's always next weekend to nap, because I can assure you that I won't be washing any floors.
A little bit of shotgun bed head

Looking for a tortilla to make a "dee-ya"

Link up: 


  1. Replies
    1. I used to follow that rule back when we had a tiny apartment. Now that we're home owners, it's a lot harder to let the mess go...

  2. I always say, "Exhaustion is a state of being." Thanks for linking up to Parent 'Hood!
