By some grace card that we've been dealt, Weston has been one healthy little dude for the past 14 months. He's had a slight cold here and there, but nothing serious, other than the lead poisoning we've experienced (which, by the way, has gone down significantly to 10.6 μg/dL, so we're doing well).
All is good, until Wednesday. I was on the phone with a friend around 4 pm, and he got super fussy and crabby all of a sudden. I picked him up to quiet him down, and noticed that he was really hot. I took his temperature and it read 102.3. Yikes. I gave him some Tylenol to bring the fever down, and it helped a bit, but he was very clingy, irritable, not really eating, and just wanted to be held. More teeth?? Those one-year molars are a doozie... He did okay that night with some more Tylenol, but woke up early Thursday and still had a really high fever. That whole day, he kept putting his head down on my shoulder and was not like himself. Oh, the whining! He took two really good naps, but was still burning up every time the Tylenol or Ibuprofen wore off. There were no other symptoms, and now I was beginning to suspect roseola after reading up on it. I also remember reading a blog post from a friend whose daughter experienced the same thing as Weston.
I figured this whole illness would pass soon, and he'd be on the mend by Friday...
Not so much. We actually ended up bringing him to the doctor on Friday afternoon because his behavior was so unusual--playing fine, but then frequently crying out as if he were in pain; not napping; eating very little. His fever was down in the 100s, but fearing an ear infection, we took him in.
Of course, they couldn't find anything wrong with him other than a slightly inflamed throat, so we were told to keep doing what we were doing--alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen, cool washcloths to bring down his temp, offering lots of fluids, and rest. We put him to bed on Friday night with a dose of Tylenol. At 12:30am, Nate was up playing online poker or something like that, and woke me up to the sound of Weston softly moaning and crying out. We went in to check on him, and as soon as I took him out of his crib, I knew his temperature was going to be really high. My little guy was cooking at 104.3.
I love my husband--we worked together to get him some Ibuprofen, water, cool washcloths, and we were able to bring his temperature down to 103, and he fell back asleep, but woke up again at 4:30. Somehow, in his fever induced craze, he was able to put it together that waking up and crying in the middle of the night brings Mama in very quickly! He fell back asleep for a little while, and the rest of the day on Saturday was a lot like the previous two days, except that I was getting more and more exhausted... Let me say that dealing with a sick child is somehow quite similar to dealing with a newborn.
Sunday rolled around--nearly four days after the onset--and he had a rash covering much of his torso and neck.
Yup--roseola, a very common childhood virus, was the culprit. He had a low-grade temperature, so that was improving significantly. His appetite isn't quite back yet, and I think that has a lot to do with a sore throat, because he's hoarse. It sounds super cute when he talks, but I know it's probably painful. He also has some swollen lymph nodes on the back of his neck that will resolve in a week or so.
Here's to hoping that we can stave off any other illnesses for the rest of 2012!
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