Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Nine Months!

As much time out of the oven as he spent time in the oven...

Height: 30 1/3 inches (95th percentile)
Weight: 20 pounds even (40th percentile)
Head circumference: 45.5 centimeters (50th percentile)

I love this kid.  Regardless of the fact that he still won't sleep through the night (and that's okay and normal), he makes me laugh on a daily basis.  His first word is definitely "da-da."  When I ask him, "Where's Dada?", he looks around for Nate, and when he sees him, he very quietly says, "Da-da...Da-da...Da-da."

He's getting very good at pointing to nose and ears when we ask, "Where's Mama's nose/ears?"  He'll even do it to some of the animals in his books.  He can point to the coconuts in Chicka Chicka Boom Boom when we ask.  He's a pro at turning pages when we say, "Turn the page", although he'll get excited and just start turning pages before we say to.

Weston's refining his palate, too.  Within the past few weeks, I've been amazed at how he can maneuver his tongue to spit out one chunk of pear in a mouthful of cottage cheese.  I'm not sure why he doesn't like pears as of late, but I hope that stops soon.

It's been 2 1/2 months since his last tooth came in.  He drools like crazy still, but there are no signs of anymore chompers.  And man, can that kid bite!  He drew blood on my finger last week, and my shoulder has a steady set of red imprints on it.


  1. That's so funny that they are both saying Daddy and can point out the facial features! I tried it on her stuffed bunny the other night and she did get the nose right:) Can you believe they are almost a year old?!

  2. Yeah, where did the time go? A year ago, we were all preggers and had no idea what to expect...
