The other day, a teacher colleague said to me, "I'm glad I had my kids before I became a teacher." I completely agreed with her because I'll tell you that the past 6 years of my life have
significantly put a dent into what names I would even consider giving this baby. There are way, way too many sour experiences with the Shaynas, Hopes, Sierras, Parkers, Adrians, Davids, Quentins, Isabelas, and Cheyennes of the schools I've taught in to even consider naming our baby something even remotely close...
Parker talks way too much. Shayna is mentally unstable. Quentin is one angry kid. All the Isabels I've known have been nothing but trouble. Jaqueline was the one who didn't make a whole lot of sense when she told stories, even though they were pretty funny. And the list goes on...
We do know that the baby will have my dad's first name as its middle name--Lynwood. It's a really unusual name, but it will work whether Mr. Belvedere is a boy or girl.