Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

I'm pregnant!
So it begins...a 40-week journey.  I took the test at 4AM because I had to get up to pee.  I was super excited, especially considering that I had taken three in the past week, and they were all negative.  Nate was up, and I came back into the bedroom with a ridiculous smile on my face.  He looked at it rather dazed, smiled and kissed me and told me to get some sleep.  Yeah right!

I wanted so badly to call my mom because she knew we were trying, but she ended up calling me at 7AM while I had at least seven tabs open on Chrome, scouring the Internet for baby information.


"So... what???"  I was smiling.

"What did it say?"

I think I said something like, "Well, you're going to be a grandma again!  And happy birthday!"  I don't think she heard the happy birthday part because she was wildly celebrating.

1 comment:

  1. I was soo friggin' excited I started to tear up!
    What a great birthday present.
